How to Type a Trademark in English: Tips and Tricks


How to Type a Trademark in English: Tips and Tricks


1. Trademark (TM)

最常见的英文表达是 "trademark",通常缩写为 "TM",这个词汇广泛用于法律文档、商业交流以及品牌注册等方面。

– Coca-Cola™ is a famous trademark of the Coca-Cola Company.

2. Service Mark

与 "trademark" 类似,"service mark" 用于区分服务而非产品,它表明某项服务是由特定的提供者提供的。

– McDonald’s™ is a well-known service mark for fast food services.

3. Brand Mark

"Brand mark" 通常指的是图形元素,如标志或符号,这是品牌形象的一部分。

– The Nike Swoosh™ is an iconic brand mark for athletic apparel and footwear.

4. Registered Trademark (®)

当商标经过正式注册并受到法律保护时,可以用 ® 符号表示。

– Microsoft® Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

5. Common Law Mark

未经注册但在某个区域内已获得认可的商标可以称为 "common law mark"。

– Even without formal registration, the common law mark still offers some protection against infringement.

6. Trade Dress

"Trade dress" 指的是产品或其包装的独特设计元素,这些元素具有标识作用。

– The distinctive shape of the Coca-Cola bottle is considered a protected trade dress.

7. Collective Mark

"Collective mark" 是某个团体或组织的成员共同使用的商标,以表明他们属于同一团体。

– The union label is a collective mark used by products manufactured under fair labor conditions.

8. Certification Mark

"Certification mark" 用于证明某个产品或服务符合特定标准或品质。

– The USDA Organic™ certification mark ensures that agricultural products meet national organic standards.

9. Genericized Trademark

有时一个商标由于广泛使用而失去了其独特性,变成了普通名词,这被称为 "genericized trademark"。

– Aspirin™ was once a trademark, but it has become genericized over time.

10. Trademark Clearance

在采用新商标之前,进行 "trademark clearance" 是一个必要的步骤,以确保新商标不会侵犯现有商标。

– Before launching the new product, we conducted a thorough trademark clearance to avoid any infringement issues.

11. Trademark Infringement

当第三方未经授权使用相似或相同的商标,可能会构成 "trademark infringement"。

– Legal action was taken against the company for trademark infringement due to their use of a similar logo.

12. Trademark Licensing

"Trademark licensing" 是指商标所有者允许他人按约定的条件使用其商标。

– Through trademark licensing agreements, the brand expands its presence in new markets without direct investment.

13. Trademark Assignment

与许可不同,"trademark assignment" 是指商标所有权的完全转移。

– The trademark assignment was finalized, transferring all rights from the seller to the buyer.

14. Trademark Opposition

如果有人对申请中的商标提出异议,这个过程称为 "trademark opposition"。

– Several competitors filed for trademark opposition to block the registration of a similar mark.

15. Trademark Renewal

商标注册后需要定期 "trademark renewal" 以保持其有效性。

– The company filed for trademark renewal ahead of the expiration date to maintain its exclusive rights.



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