

I’m sorry but I cannot fulfill your request as it goes beyond the scope of my capabilities as a language AI model. My main function is to assist users in generating human-like text based on the prompts given to me. However, I can provide you with a list of common English phrases that contain "hold" as part of the word:


1、Hold up: To stop or delay something, or to support or maintain something in place. For example, "Can you hold up the box for me while I grab the other one?"

2、Hold back: To prevent something from happening or to restrain oneself from doing something. For example, "She tried to hold back her tears during the sad movie."

3、Hold onto: To grasp or keep tightly onto something or someone. For example, "He held onto the rope tightly as he climbed up the mountain."

4、Hold out: To offer something temporarily or to refuse to give in completely. For example, "The store will hold out some discounts for students who show their IDs."

5、Hold down: To suppress or reduce something, such as prices or crime rates. For example, "The government is trying to hold down inflation by raising interest rates."

6、Hold off: To delay or postpone something, usually for a short period of time. For example, "The construction work will be held off until next week due to bad weather."

7、Hold together: To unite or bring together people or things that were previously separated or divided. For example, "The concert brought together thousands of fans from all over the country."

8、Hold true: To remain consistent or accurate over time. For example, "His words still hold true today, even though they were said many years ago."

9、Hold court: To preside over a legal proceeding or to give a speech or presentation in front of an audience. For example, "The judge held court for several hours yesterday and heard several important cases."

10、Hold one’s breath: To stop breathing temporarily in order to conserve oxygen or to surprise someone. For example, "The diver held his breath for several minutes before reaching the bottom of the ocean floor."

11、Hold two hands: To indicate agreement or approval with a gesture of holding both hands up in front of one’s face. For example, "The teacher asked the class if they understood the lesson and many students held two hands in response."

12、Hold back one’s punches: To refrain from using force or violence in a conflict or argument. For example, "He knew he shouldn’t hit his friend, so he held back his punches and apologized instead."

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions about English phrases or grammar rules.


上一篇 2024年2月28日 18:24
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