




1、within a day:在一天内

We need to finish this project within a day.(我们需要在一天内完成这个项目。)

2、within two weeks:在两周内

The deadline for submitting the report is within two weeks.(提交报告的截止日期是两周内。)

3、within three months:在三个月内

The company aims to increase its sales within three months.(公司的目标是在三个月内提高销售额。)

4、within an hour:在一个小时内

The ambulance arrived at the scene within an hour.(救护车在一个小时内到达了现场。)

5、within minutes:在几分钟内

The train will arrive at the station within minutes.(火车将在几分钟内到达车站。)


1、within a mile:在一英里内

There is a restaurant within a mile of here.(这附近有一家中餐馆。)

2、within a kilometer:在一公里内

We can find a supermarket within a kilometer of here.(我们可以在一公里内找到一家超市。)

3、within a city:在城市内

The hotel is located within a city block from the subway station.(酒店位于距离地铁站一个街区的市区内。)

4、within a park:在公园内

There is a playground within a park near our house.(我们家附近的公园里有一个游乐场。)

5、within an hour’s drive:在一个小时内的车程内

We can go camping within an hour’s drive of here.(我们可以在一个小时内开车去露营。)


1、within reason:在合理的范围内,意为“在情理之中”

The price of the ticket is reasonable, and it’s within reason compared to other theaters.(门票价格合理,与其他剧院相比是可接受的。)

2、within reach:在可达范围内,意为“在手边”、“容易得到”

The answer to this problem is within reach, we just need to think about it carefully.(这个问题的答案就在手边,我们只需要仔细思考。)

3、within sight:在视线范围内,意为“看得见”、“近在咫尺”

The mountain peak is within sight, we can almost see it now.(山峰已经近在眼前了。)


1、if possible/possible if:如果可能的话/如果可能的话……

If possible, we should start the meeting early tomorrow morning.(如果可能的话,我们应该明天早上早点开始会议。)

2、unless otherwise specified/otherwise specified except that:除非另有说明/除非另有说明……

Unless otherwise specified, all participants must attend the meeting on time.(除非另有说明,所有参与者必须准时参加会议。)

3、provided/providing that:只要……就……

Provided that you finish your homework before dinner, you can watch TV after dinner.(只要你在晚饭前完成作业,晚饭后就可以看电视。)

4、in case/in case of:万一……以防万一……

In case of emergency, please follow the instructions of the rescue team immediately.(万一发生紧急情况,请立即按照救援队的指示行动。)

5、as long as/as far as long as/as far as I’m concerned as long as … be satisfied with …:只要……就满意……,意为“只要满足……的条件就可以了”

As long as you pass the exam, you can apply for the job.(只要你通过考试,就可以申请这份工作。)


上一篇 2024年3月4日 16:36
下一篇 2024年3月4日 16:48



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