
“Like un, the sentence structure is a combination of two words.”



1、Like + 名词/代词:这种句式用于比较两个事物或人。"She sings like an angel."(她唱歌像天使一样。)

2、Like + 动词的ing形式:这种句式用于描述正在进行的动作。"He runs like the wind."(他跑得像风一样快。)

3、Like + to do:这种句式用于描述习惯性的动作或者可能性。"I like to read books in my free time."(我喜欢在空闲时间读书。)

4、Like + 不定式:这种句式用于表达愿望或者建议。"I would like to go to the beach this weekend."(我想在这个周末去海滩。)

5、Like + 从句:这种句式用于描述某种情况或者条件。"It looks like it’s going to rain."(看起来要下雨了。)

6、Un- + like:这种句式用于表示否定的比较。"He doesn’t look like his father."(他看起来不像他的父亲。)

7、Un- + like + 名词/代词:这种句式用于表示否定的比较。"She doesn’t sing like an angel."(她唱歌不像天使一样。)

8、Un- + like + 动词的ing形式:这种句式用于表示否定的正在进行的动作。"He doesn’t run like the wind."(他跑得不像风一样快。)

9、Un- + like + to do:这种句式用于表示否定的习惯性的动作或者可能性。"I don’t like to read books in my free time."(我不喜欢在空闲时间读书。)

10、Un- + like + 不定式:这种句式用于表示否定的愿望或者建议。"I wouldn’t like to go to the beach this weekend."(我不想在这个周末去海滩。)

11、Un- + like + 从句:这种句式用于表示否定的情况或者条件。 "It doesn’t look like it’s going to rain."(看起来不会下雨。)


Like Un- Example
Like Un- Like Un-
He likes to play basketball. He doesn’t like to play basketball. She sings like an angel. She doesn’t sing like an angel.
They are running like the wind. They are not running like the wind. I would like to go to the cinema. I wouldn’t like to go to the cinema.
It looks like it’s going to rain. It doesn’t look like it’s going to rain. He likes to eat pizza. He doesn’t like to eat pizza.
She dances like a professional. She doesn’t dance like a professional. We would like to have dinner together. We wouldn’t like to have dinner together.
It feels like silk. It doesn’t feel like silk. They are playing football like pros. They are not playing football like pros.
I would like to travel around the world. I wouldn’t like to travel around the world. It seems like you are right. It doesn’t seem like you are right.
She walks like a model. She doesn’t walk like a model. We would like to order a pizza. We wouldn’t like to order a pizza.
It tastes like honey. It doesn’t taste like honey. They are singing beautifully. They are not singing beautifully.
I would like to learn Spanish. I wouldn’t like to learn Spanish. It looks like a nice day today. It doesn’t look like a nice day today.
She talks like a professor. She doesn’t talk like a professor. We would like to have coffee now. We wouldn’t like to have coffee now.
It smells like roses. It doesn’t smell like roses. They are playing chess seriously. They are not playing chess seriously.
I would like to watch a movie tonight. I wouldn’t like to watch a movie tonight. It seems that he is lying. It doesn’t seem that he is lying.
She writes like a journalist. She doesn’t write like a journalist. We would like to have tea later. We wouldn’t like to have tea later.
It sounds like a good idea. It doesn’t sound like a good idea. They are playing cards calmly. They are not playing cards calmly.
I would like to read a book now. I wouldn’t like to read a book now. It appears that she is happy. It doesn’t appear that she is happy.
She draws like a prodigy. She doesn’t draw like a prodigy. We would like to have dessert after dinner. We wouldn’t like to have dessert after dinner.
It feels soft and smooth. It doesn’t feel soft and smooth. They are playing drums energetically. They are not playing drums energetically.
I would like to take a nap now. I wouldn’t like to take a nap now. It seems that he is angry with me. It doesn’t seem that he is angry with me.

| She cooks like a chef. | She doesn’t cook like a chef. | We would like to have breakfast in bed tomorrow morning. | We wouldn’t


上一篇 2024年5月2日
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