Trademark Registration Application
I. Basic Information
Item | Details |
Applicant Name | [Your Company/Individual Name] |
Address | [Full Address] |
City, State, ZIP Code | [City, State, ZIP Code] |
Country | [Country] |
Contact Person | [Name] |
Phone Number | [Phone Number] |
Email Address | [Email Address] |
II. Trademark Details
Trademark | Description |
Mark Type | [Text, Logo, Slogan, etc.] |
Mark Representation | [Upload Image or Provide Textual Description] |
Color(s) | [Specify if color is a distinctive feature] |
Goods/Services | [List of goods/services associated with the mark] |
Class(es) | [Relevant classes from the Nice Classification System] |
First Use Date | [Date when the trademark was first used in commerce] |
Claim of Use | [If claiming use under Section 1(a), provide details] |
Basis for Filing | [1(b) IntenttoUse, 1(a) Actual Use, or 44(e) Statement of Use] |
III. Additional Information
Item | Details |
Priority Claim | [Yes/No] [Provide details if yes] |
Previous Applications | [List previous applications related to this mark] |
Joint Applicants | [List other applicants, if any] |
Power of Attorney | [Name and address of attorney, if applicable] |
IV. Signature
Applicant’s Signature | Date |
[Signature] | [MM/DD/YYYY] |
V. Fee Payment
Item | Amount |
Application Fee | [Fee amount based on the number of classes] |
Payment Method | [Credit Card, Check, Money Order, etc.] |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1: What is the difference between "use in commerce" and "intent to use"?
A1: "Use in commerce" refers to marks that are already being used in connection with the sale of goods or services. "Intent to use" applies to marks that the applicant has a bona fide intention to use in the future.
Q2: How long does it usually take to register a trademark?
A2: The process can take approximately 812 months from the date of application, provided there are no complications such as oppositions or additional information requests from the trademark office.