

在英语中,"effort" 是一个名词,表示努力、尝试或付出的努力,当我们想要描述某人或某事所付出的努力时,我们可以在 "effort" 后面加上一个形容词或者一个名词短语,以下是一些常见的搭配:


1、形容词 + effort

– Great effort:巨大的努力

– Energetic effort:充满活力的努力

– Consistent effort:持续的努力

– Determined effort:坚定的努力

– Collaborative effort:合作的努力

– Diligent effort:勤奋的努力

– Intense effort:紧张的努力

– Creative effort:创造性的努力

– Effortless effort:毫不费力的努力

2、名词短语 + effort

– Personal effort:个人努力

– Team effort:团队努力

– Group effort:集体努力

– Community effort:社区努力

– School effort:学校努力

– Company effort:公司努力

– Government effort:政府努力

– International effort:国际努力

– Global effort:全球努力

3、动词 + effort

– Make an effort:做出努力

– Put in an effort:投入努力

– Show effort:表现出努力

– Exert an effort:施加努力

– Invest an effort:投入努力

– Spend an effort:花费努力

– Save an effort:节省努力

– Share an effort:分享努力

– Combine efforts:共同努力

4、介词 + effort

– With great effort:以巨大的努力

– In an effort to:为了……而努力

– Through hard work and effort:通过辛勤工作和努力

– For the sake of effort:为了努力而付出

– By making an effort:通过做出努力

– Without much effort:没有费太多力气

– With little effort:几乎没有付出努力

– With all your effort:全力以赴地付出努力

5、疑问词 + effort

– What kind of effort is needed? 需要什么样的努力?

– How much effort should be put in? 应该投入多少努力?

– Where can we see the effort? 我们在哪里可以看到这种努力?

– When should we make an effort? 我们应该在什么时候做出努力?

– Why is there so much effort? 为什么有这么多的努力?

– Who made this effort? 是谁做出了这种努力?

– How can we improve our efforts? 我们如何提高我们的努力?

6、否定词 + effort

– No effort was made:没有付出任何努力

– Not much effort was put in:没有投入太多努力

– Too little effort was given:付出的努力太少了

– Hardly any effort was seen:几乎看不到任何努力

– Barely any effort was exerted:几乎没有施加任何努力

– Few efforts were made:很少做出努力

– Little or no effort was spent:几乎没有花费任何努力

7、比较级 + effort

– More effort is needed:需要更多的努力

– Less effort is required:需要更少的努力

– The most effort was put in by…:最多的努力是由……付出的

– The least amount of effort was given by…:最少的努力是由……给出的

– The greatest amount of effort was shown by…:最大的努力是由……展示的

– The smallest amount of effort was spent by…:最小的努力是由……花费的

8、最高级 + effort

– The greatest effort was made by…:最大的努力是由……做出的

– The least amount of effort was spent by…:最少的努力是由……花费的

– The most energy was expended in the process of making the greatest effort…:在做出最大努力的过程中,消耗了最多的能量……

– The least amount of energy was expended in the process of making the least amount of effort…:在做出最少努力的过程中,消耗了最少的能量……

9、数量词 + effort

– A lot of effort was put in:投入了很多努力

– Some efforts were made, but not enough:做出了一些努力,但还不够

– Many efforts were made to achieve success:为了成功付出了很多努力

– Few efforts were successful:只有少数的努力取得了成功

– Several efforts were made, but none were successful:做出了几次尝试,但没有一次成功

– Numerous efforts were made to solve the problem:为了解决这个问题,付出了无数的努力

10、从句 + effort

– He put in a lot of effort even though he knew it would be difficult.(尽管他知道这会很困难,但他还是付出了很多努力。)

– She made every possible effort to help her friend.(她尽了一切可能去帮助她的朋友。)

– They exerted their best efforts to complete the project on time.(他们竭尽全力按时完成这个项目。)

– We need to make more efforts to reduce pollution.(我们需要做出更多的努力来减少污染。)

– Despite his injury, he continued to make an effort to win the race.(尽管受伤了,他仍然继续努力赢得比赛。)

– If you want to succeed, you must put in a lot of hard work and dedication.(如果你想成功,你必须付出大量的辛勤工作和奉献精神。)


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