

在英语中,"playing" 是一个动词的现在分词形式,通常用来表示正在进行的动作,它可以用作主语、宾语、定语、状语等,前面可以跟着各种词语来构成不同的语法结构,以下是一些常见的搭配:


1、主语 + playing

– Playing games is my favorite hobby.(玩游戏是我最喜欢的爱好。)

– Watching children playing in the park is so relaxing.(看着孩子们在公园里玩耍是如此的放松。)

2、动名词 + playing

– I enjoy playing basketball with my friends.(我喜欢和朋友们一起打篮球。)

– She suggested going swimming instead of playing tennis.(她建议去游泳而不是打网球。)

3、不定式 + playing

– He promised to stop playing video games and focus on his studies.(他承诺停止玩电子游戏,专注于学习。)

– They decided to start playing chess together.(他们决定开始一起下棋。)

4、形容词 + playing

– The little girl was happily playing with her dolls.(小女孩开心地玩着她的娃娃。)

– The boys were noisily playing in the backyard.(男孩们在后院吵闹地玩耍。)

5、副词 + playing

– They are always playing pranks on each other.(他们总是互相开玩笑。)

– She occasionally plays the piano for relaxation.(她偶尔弹钢琴放松一下。)

6、介词 + playing

– He is good at playing the guitar.(他擅长弹吉他。)

– She went to the park to watch people playing badminton.(她去公园看人们打羽毛球。)

7、从句 + playing

– While playing soccer, he hurt his ankle.(在踢足球的时候,他扭伤了脚踝。)

– After finishing his homework, he started playing video games.(完成作业后,他开始玩电子游戏。)

8、疑问词 + playing

– What are you doing while your sister is playing?(你妹妹在玩的时候你在做什么?)

– Where did you see them playing yesterday?(昨天你在哪里看到他们在玩?)

9、否定词 + playing

– I don’t like playing video games because they make me feel sick.(我不喜欢玩电子游戏,因为它们让我感到恶心。)

– They never play cards together anymore.(他们再也不一起玩牌了。)

10、比较级 + playing

– She prefers playing tennis to playing badminton.(她更喜欢打网球而不是打羽毛球。)

– He is better at playing the guitar than at singing.(他弹吉他比唱歌好。)

11、最高级 + playing

– She is the best player on the school’s volleyball team.(她是学校排球队最好的球员。)

– This is the most exciting game I have ever played.(这是我玩过的最刺激的游戏。)

12、动词 + ing + playing

– He enjoys watching people dancing and singing while playing the guitar.(他喜欢看人们在弹吉他的同时跳舞和唱歌。)

– She hates hearing people talking loudly while she is trying to sleep, especially if they are playing music or watching TV.(她讨厌在她想睡觉的时候听到人们大声说话,尤其是如果他们在播放音乐或看电视的话。)

13、动词 + ed + playing

– They regretted not taking part in the talent show last year when they had the chance, as they would have loved to perform singing and dancing while playing the guitar.(他们后悔去年没有参加才艺表演,因为他们本来很想一边弹吉他一边唱歌跳舞的。)

– She remembered how much fun she had when she and her friends used to dress up and play pranks on their teachers while pretending to be studying in the library.(她记得当她和朋友们打扮起来,假装在图书馆学习时,她们如何戏弄老师,玩得多么开心。)

14、动词 + to be + playing

– It seems that he is always busy with work and rarely has time to play sports or go out with friends.(看起来他总是忙于工作,很少有时间玩运动或和朋友出去。)

– She hopes that her children will grow up to be happy and healthy, and that they will find joy in playing and exploring new things.(她希望她的孩子长大后快乐健康,他们会在玩耍和探索新事物中找到乐趣。)

15、动词 + have been + playing

– They have been playing chess for hours and still can’t agree on a winner.(他们已经下了几个小时的棋,仍然无法确定谁是赢家。)

– He has been playing the piano since he was a child, and now he is a professional musician.(他从小时候就开始弹钢琴,现在他是一个专业的音乐家。)

16、动词 + will be + playing

– Tomorrow afternoon, we will be playing basketball in the park, so don’t forget to bring your sneakers.(明天下午,我们将在公园打篮球,所以别忘了带你的运动鞋。)

– Next week, they will be playing soccer in the championship match, and everyone is excited about it.(下周,他们将在冠军赛中踢足球,每个人都很兴奋。)

17、动词 + would be + playing

– If she had more free time, she would be playing tennis or hiking with her friends instead of working all the time.(如果她有更多的空闲时间,她会和朋友们打网球或徒步旅行,而不是一直工作。)

– If he were younger, he would be playing video games all day long, but now he has to focus on his job and family responsibilities.(如果他年轻一点,他会整天玩电子游戏,但现在他必须专注于他的工作和家庭责任。)

18、动词 + could be + playing

– If it weren’t raining outside, we could be playing football in the park right now.(如果外面不下雨,我们现在就可以在公园里踢足球了。)

– If she had known that there was a concert tonight, she could have been playing her violin instead of watching TV.(如果她知道今晚有音乐会,她本可以演奏她的小提琴,而不是看电视。)

19、动词 + might be + playing

– He might be playing video games in his room right now, as he usually does on weekends.(他现在可能在房间里玩电子游戏,因为他通常在周末这样做。)

– She might be playing the piano in the music room, as she loves practicing after school.(她可能在音乐室里弹钢琴,因为她喜欢放学后练习。)

20、动词 + must be + playing

– They must be playing basketball in the gymnasium, as that’s where they usually practice on Fridays.(他们现在一定在体育馆打篮球,因为周五他们通常在那里练习。)

– She must be playing the guitar in her bedroom, as that’s where she keeps it and likes to practice alone.(她现在一定在她的卧室里弹吉他,因为那是她存放吉他的地方,而且她喜欢一个人练习。)


Q1: What does "playing" mean in English?

A1: "Playing" is a present participle form of the verb "play", which means engaging in an activity for enjoyment or competition, often involving rules or skills. It can also refer to operating or manipulating something, such as a musical instrument or a game console. In grammar, "playing" can function as a subject, object, attribute, adverbial phrase, or clause depending on its context and usage. For example: "Playing soccer is my favorite sport." (subject), "I enjoy watching children playing in the park." (object), "The little boy was happily playing with his toys." (attribute), "She sings while playing the guitar." (adverbial phrase), "While playing video games, he forgot about his homework." (clause).


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