

在英文中,"pice" 并不是一个常见的单词或短语,它可能是 "piece" 的拼写错误。"Piece" 是一个常用的英语单词,具有多种含义和用法。


1. 名词意义

作为名词,"piece" 可以表示以下几种意思:





2. 动词意义

作为动词,"piece" 可以表示以下几种意思:




3. 形容词意义

作为形容词,"piece" 可以表示以下几种意思:



4. 常用短语和表达

除了上述基本意义外,"piece" 还可以与其他词组合形成一些常用的短语和表达,如:

a piece of cake(小菜一碟):形容某事非常容易完成。

give a piece of one’s mind(说出心里话):坦率地表达自己的意见或不满。

pick up the pieces(收拾残局):在困难或失败后重新振作起来。

put together a jigsaw puzzle piece by piece(一点一点地拼凑拼图):逐步解决问题或完成任务。

5. 常见用法示例

以下是一些使用 "piece" 的常见例句:

– I need to buy a new piece of furniture for my living room.(我需要为我的客厅买一件新的家具。)

– She wrote a beautiful piece about her childhood memories.(她写了一篇关于童年回忆的美丽文章。)

– Can you give me a piece of advice on how to improve my writing skills?(你能给我一些建议,如何提高我的写作技巧吗?)

– He spent hours piecing together the broken vase.(他花了几个小时拼凑起那个破碎的花瓶。)

– The puzzle was so difficult that it took us several days to put it together piece by piece.(这个拼图太难了,我们花了好几天一点一点地拼凑起来。)


Q: What is the meaning of "pice" in English?

A: "Pice" is not a commonly used word in English, but it could be a misspelling of "piece." "Piece" has various meanings and uses as a noun, verb, and adjective. It can refer to an object or part of an object, such as a piece of cake or a piece of furniture. It can also mean a portion of a larger whole, like a paragraph in an article or a note in music. Additionally, "piece" can describe something that is broken or incomplete, or it can indicate the act of putting things together or solving a problem.

Q: Can you provide some examples of how "piece" is used in sentences?

A: Sure! Here are some examples: "I need to buy a new piece of furniture for my living room." (referring to an item) "She wrote a beautiful piece about her childhood memories." (referring to an article or composition) "Can you give me a piece of advice on how to improve my writing skills?" (referring to a portion or segment) "He spent hours piecing together the broken vase." (referring to the act of putting things together) "The puzzle was so difficult that it took us several days to put it together piece by piece." (referring to the process of solving or completing)


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