
路标英文是”road sign”。




– 路标是指在道路上设置的用于指示、引导和警示交通参与者的标志物。


类型 英文表达


交通指示标志 Traffic Signs

红绿灯 Traffic Lights

禁止停车 No Parking

限速标志 Speed Limit Signs

交叉路口 Intersections

人行横道 Crosswalks

环岛 Roundabouts

高速公路出口 Exits/Off-ramps

服务区 Service Areas

紧急停车带 Emergency Stop Lanes

车道指示 Lane Indicators

掉头区 U-turn Areas

行人过街天桥 Overpasses/Underpasses for Pedestrians

隧道 Tunnels

桥梁限高 Bridge Height Restrictions

铁路道口 Train Crossings

渡口 Ferry Terminals

公交车站 Bus Stops

地铁站 Subway Stations

停车场 Parking Lots/Garages


警告标志 Warning Signs

注意行人 Caution: Pedestrians

注意动物 Caution: Animals Crossing

注意施工 Caution: Construction Ahead

注意落石 Caution: Falling Rocks/Debris

注意滑溜 Caution: Slippery When Wet

注意斜坡 Caution: Slope Ahead

注意弯曲道路 Caution: Bend Ahead

注意湿滑道路 Caution: Wet Road Ahead

注意障碍物 Caution: Obstacle Ahead


信息标志 Information Signs

旅游信息 Tourist Information

医院信息 Hospital Information

学校信息 School Information

警察局信息 Police Station Information

消防局信息 Fire Station Information

加油站信息 Gas Station Information

公共厕所信息 Public Toilet Information


其他标志 Other Signs

广告牌 Signboards/Billboards

方向指示 Directional Signs

距离标示 Distance Markers

时间限制 Time Restrictions (e.g., No Late Night Parking)

临时停车 Temporary Parking Only

残疾人设施 Accessibility Facilities (e.g., Wheelchair Access)

环境保护 Environment Protection (e.g., No Littering)



– Q: What is the purpose of road signs?

A: The purpose of road signs is to provide guidance, warning, and information to road users in order to ensure safe and efficient traffic flow. They help drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists navigate roads and intersections, understand speed limits, and be aware of potential hazards or restrictions.

– Q: How can I improve my understanding of road signs while driving?

A: To improve your understanding of road signs while driving, it is important to regularly review and study the various types of road signs and their meanings. You can also practice recognizing them during your daily commute or when driving in unfamiliar areas. Additionally, paying attention to the surrounding environment and being alert to any signs you encounter can help reinforce your knowledge and improve your overall driving skills.


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