



1、Certainly in

当我们说某人或某事“certainly in”某个地方或状态时,我们表示他们肯定在那里或处于那种状态。

– She is certainly in the office right now.(她现在肯定在办公室。)

– The book you’re looking for is certainly in the library.(你要找的书肯定在图书馆。)

2、Certainly of

当我们说某人或某事“certainly of”某种品质、特点或属性时,我们表示他们肯定具有那种品质、特点或属性。

– This restaurant is certainly of high quality.(这家餐厅肯定品质很高。)

– He is certainly of good character.(他肯定品行端正。)

3、Certainly to

当我们说某人或某事“certainly to”某个目的地或结果时,我们表示他们肯定会到达那个地方或产生那种结果。

– The train is certainly to arrive at 8:00 pm.(火车肯定会在晚上8点到达。)

– His hard work is certainly to pay off.(他的努力肯定会有回报。)

4、Certainly with

当我们说某人或某事“certainly with”某种能力、技能或资源时,我们表示他们肯定具备那种能力、技能或资源。

– She is certainly with the necessary skills for this job.(她肯定具备这份工作所需的技能。)

– Our team is certainly with the resources to complete this project on time.(我们的团队肯定有足够的资源按时完成这个项目。)

5、Certainly about

当我们说某人或某事“certainly about”某个主题或问题时,我们表示他们肯定了解那个主题或问题。

– She is certainly about the latest fashion trends.(她肯定了解最新的时尚潮流。)

– He is certainly about the history of this city.(他肯定了解这个城市的历史。)

6、Certainly from

当我们说某人或某事“certainly from”某个来源、出处或背景时,我们表示他们肯定来自那个地方或具有那种背景。

– This artwork is certainly from the Renaissance period.(这件艺术品肯定是文艺复兴时期的。)

– She is certainly from a wealthy family.(她肯定来自一个富裕的家庭。)

7、Certainly for

当我们说某人或某事“certainly for”某个目的、原因或对象时,我们表示他们肯定为了那个目的、原因或对象而做某事。

– This gift is certainly for you.(这个礼物肯定是给你的。)

– We are working hard, certainly for a better future.(我们正在努力工作,肯定是为了更美好的未来。)

8、Certainly with respect to

当我们说某人或某事“certainly with respect to”某个方面、领域或问题时,我们表示他们肯定在那个方面、领域或问题上有所了解。

– She is certainly with respect to the legal system of this country.(她肯定了解这个国家的法律体系。)

– He is certainly with respect to environmental issues.(他在环境问题上肯定有所了解。)

9、Certainly as far as

当我们说某人或某事“certainly as far as”某个范围、程度或时间点时,我们表示他们肯定在这个范围内、程度上或时间点上是真实的、正确的或适用的。

– As far as I know, she is certainly coming to the party tonight.(就我所知,她今晚肯定会来参加聚会。)

– As far as this project is concerned, we are certainly on track.(就这个项目而言,我们肯定是在正确的轨道上。)

10、Certainly in terms of

当我们说某人或某事“certainly in terms of”某个标准、评价或比较时,我们表示他们肯定符合那个标准、评价或比较。

– In terms of performance, she is certainly one of the best employees in our company.(从绩效来看,她肯定是我们公司最优秀的员工之一。)

– This product is certainly superior in terms of quality and price.(这款产品在质量和价格上肯定是优越的。)


Q1: What does "certainly" mean?

A1: "Certainly" means without doubt or uncertainty; definitely or surely. It expresses confidence or certainty about something.

Q2: Can "certainly" be used with any preposition?

A2: No, "certainly" cannot be used with every preposition. It depends on the context and meaning you want to convey. The prepositions mentioned in this article are some of the most common ones used with "certainly", but there may be other prepositions that can also be used depending on the situation.


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