
商标侵权在英语中通常被称为 "Trademark Infringement"。



1、Trademark: 商标,是企业或个人用来标识其商品或服务来源的标志。

2、Infringement: 侵犯,违反,在这里指的是未经商标所有者许可,擅自使用相同或近似的商标进行商业活动。

"Trademark Infringement" 就是指未经许可,使用他人的商标进行商业活动,侵犯了商标所有者的权益,这种行为在许多国家和地区都是违法的,包括中国。

商标侵权在英文中通常称为 "Trademark Infringement",下面是一个简单的介绍,列出了与商标侵权相关的关键信息:

Item Description in English
Term Trademark Infringement
Definition Unauthorized use of a trademark or service mark registered by another party, which may cause confusion among consumers or dilute the value of the mark.
Parties Involved 1. Trademark Owner: The entity that owns the registered trademark.
2. Alleged Infringer: The party accused of infringing the trademark.
Examples 1. Using a similar or identical trademark for similar goods or services.
2. Selling counterfeit products with a registered trademark.
3. Using a trademark in a way that may dilute its distinctiveness or reputation.
Consequences 1. Civil Lawsuits: The trademark owner may sue for damages and injunctions.
2. Criminal Penalties: In some cases, especially with counterfeit goods, criminal charges may apply.
3. Financial Compensation: The infringer may be ordered to pay monetary damages to the trademark owner.
4. Injunction: A court order to stop the infringing activities.
Remedies 1. Cease and Desist: The infringer may be ordered to stop using the trademark.
2. Destruction of Infringing Materials: The infringer may be required to destroy all products and materials that infringe the trademark.
3. Monetary Damages: Payment of damages to the trademark owner to compensate for lost profits or the value of the trademark.
Prevention 1. Trademark Searches: Conduct thorough searches before using a trademark to avoid infringement.
2. Trademark Registration: Registering your own trademark can provide legal protection.
3. Monitoring: Regularly monitor the market for potential infringers.



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